Payment Overview
Merchant Callback

Merchant callback

After interaction with payment consent in the Bank customer is navigated to the callback URL. It has the information about the payment basic attributes like: amount, currency, reference and current payment status.

Payment can be in three states at this point:

  • PENDING - payment request is being processed by the bank
  • COMPLETED - payment request has been processed by the bank
  • FAILED - payment request failed


paymentIdUUIDpayment id
statusstringpayment status, values at this point: PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED
amountnumberpayment amount
currencystringpayment currency
merchantPaymentIdstringmerchant payment id, if specified when payment was initiated
  • For success
&merchantPaymentId=<value passed to CreatePayment request>
  • For failure
&errorDescription=<base64 encoded error message>
&merchantPaymentId=<value passed to CreatePayment request>

Web and mobile callbacks work exactly the same way, they just use a different url.

Implementing the after payment screen (Callback) in mobile app

Upon completion of the payment process, users are directed back from the banking app to your app using a callback via an app link or universal link. Volume accepts only https links, which means traditional deep links like myapp://callback are not supported. Instead, we recommend using App Links and Universal Links, such as (opens in a new tab), for their superior security, user experience, seamless integration, and web fallback capabilities.


About app links (opens in a new tab)

Create Deep Links to App Content (opens in a new tab)


Supporting universal links in your iOS app (opens in a new tab)

Supporting associated domains on iOS (opens in a new tab)


Flutter app links library (opens in a new tab)

Universal links on Flutter (opens in a new tab)

React Native:

React Native linking documentation (opens in a new tab)

React Native app links tutorial (opens in a new tab)