Quick Start
Let's get started with Volume in less than 5 minutes.
Android SDK for Volume is a library with Volume custom view that allows you to display Volume checkout and start accepting payments from your customers in zero time into any Android app.
Getting Started
Get started by installing Volume Android SDK.
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/getvolume/volume-android-sdk")
credentials {
username volume-public
password // Token provided by Volume
Add dependency to volume-android-sdk (Ask Volume team for the latest version number)
dependencies {
implementation "com.volume.sdk:volume-android-sdk:2.3.0"
Volume Provider
The volume provider should be placed at the root level of your application, this provides key global configuration for using volume in your application.
class SampleApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
volumeSetup = VolumeSetup(
applicationId = "", // Provided by Volume
volumeEnvironment = "sandbox",
onEvent = { Timber.v("[Sample App Volume] On Event: $it") }, // Your own event listener
logger = logger, // Your own logger implementation
showSandboxBanks = true,
maxPaymentAmount = 150.toBigDecimal(),
minPaymentAmount = 0.01.toBigDecimal(),
buttonCustomisation = ButtonCustomisation(),
translations = mapOf(
"en" to VolumeTranslations(accountHolderNameText = "Name and Surname"),
"de" to VolumeTranslations(
accountHolderNameText = "Name und Nachname",
headingText = "Bezahlen mit",
selectBankButtonText = "Zur Zahlung Bank-App auswählen",
language = "en",
app = this
VolumeProvider.setLanguage("de") // Use this to change language in runtime
Expand the section below for a quick glance at what you need to know.
VolumeProvider properties
Required Properties
key | type | example | description |
applicationId | String | 123456789 | Your Application Id as provided in your Merchant Portal. (Provided by Volume) |
volumeEnvironment | String | sandbox | Environment to be used, this is either 'live' | 'sandbox' | A full URI if we have provided a specific environment for you. |
Optional Properties
key | type | example | description |
onEvent | VolumeEventListener | Events | Event listener, object that reacts to Volume events, see Events for detailed instructions on how this works |
logger | Logger | Timber or Android.log wrapper | Logger implementation to log Volume information, if not set then no-op implementation is used |
showSandboxBanks | Boolean | true | Flag to enable showing sandbox banks. Used for testing |
minPaymentAmount | BigDecimal | 0.01 (default: 0.01) | Minimum value for the amount field for each payment, when supplying a value smaller than this, a PAYMENT_AMOUNT_TOO_SMALL event will be emitted and the payment will not reach the volume api. |
maxPaymentAmount | BigDecimal | 15000 (default: 15000) | Maximum value for the amount field for each payment, when supplying a value greater than this, a PAYMENT_AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE event will be emitted and the payment will not reach the volume api. |
buttonCustomisation | ButtonCustomisation | Tweak the look and feel of the Volume button, properties to make changes to the colours, text, and border of the button. | |
translations | Map String to VolumeTranslations | Map of VolumeTranslations per language like "en" or "de". Allows to translate Volume component. | |
language | String | en (ISO 639) | Sets the language to be used on Volume component. |
For more information on Events with onEvent
. Check out Events.
The Volume Button
When VolumeProvider is initialized then you can add Volume button to your screen by adding VolumePaymentButtonView
app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@id/volume_toggle" />
Then you can set the properties from your Activity/Fragment code
binding.volumePaymentView.setReference("Example Reference") // Generate new reference value each time navigateToPaymentConsent event is emitted
binding.contentMain.volumePaymentView.setOnButtonEvent {
when (it) {
is VolumeEvent.NavigateToPaymentConsent -> {
else -> {}
"type" to "shirt",
"color" to "black",
"owner" to mapOf(
"position" to "CTO",
"description" to "A tall guy",
"details" to mapOf(
"name" to "John",
"surname" to "Doe",
"relatedItems" to listOf(
"itemName" to "trousers",
"color" to "blue",
"itemName" to "shoes",
"color" to "white",
private fun generateAndSetMerchantPaymentId() {
val merchantPaymentId = "This should be unique value" //TODO Get merchant Payment Id value from backend
VolumePaymentView has following setters
key | type | constraints | example | description |
onEvent | VolumeEventListener | Event listener, object that reacts to Volume events, see Events for detailed instructions on how this works | ||
setAmount | BigDecimal | Min 0.01, up to 2 decimal places | 1 | Amount to be paid, ie £1.00. |
setCurrency | String | ISO 4217 | GBP | Currency of payment |
setReference | String | Max 18 chars, Alphanumeric | ABC-123 | Pass a bank transfer reference, it will be visible by both a client and merchant in bank transfer history. |
setMerchantPaymentId | String (Optional) | Max 50 chars, unique per payment | 123456 | Pass a merchantPaymentId to associate a unique identifier for the payment, this will be returned to you in any webhook or api responses for the given payment |
setEnabled | Boolean | true | Changes the Enabled/Disabled state of the Volume button | |
metadata | Map String to Any? | metadata is an optional JSON object which will be passed back in webhooks as paymentMetadata. It can only accepts primitives (as well as maps and lists of primitives). | ||
paymentIdentifiersProvider | PaymentIdentifiersProvider | Optional | Provider for PaymentIdentifiers like MerchantPaymentId and Reference that are generatedPaymentIdentifiers on Merchant backend |
Regenerating Merchant Payment ID
Each time VolumeEvent.NavigateToPaymentConsent
is emitted Merchant Payment ID should be set to a new unique value.
Rendering Volume Button without MerchantPaymentId (Optional)
The PaymentIdentifiersProvider
is an optional feature that allows merchants to provide a MerchantPaymentId
and Reference
fields when the user clicks the Volume Pay button.
This enables the rendering of the Volume Button before creating a Payment entity on the merchant side.
: An asynchronous method that returns a Result<PaymentIdentifiers>
object containing the payment identifiers.
class VolumePaymentIdentifiersProvider : PaymentIdentifiersProvider {
override suspend fun providePaymentIdentifiers(): PaymentIdentifiers {
val merchantPaymentId = generateMerchantPaymentId()
val reference = generateReference()
val generatedPaymentIdentifiers = // Get MerchantPaymentId and Reference from the backend
return PaymentIdentifiers(merchantPaymentId = generatedPaymentIdentifiers.merchantPaymentId, reference = generatedPaymentIdentifiers.reference)
// Usage in the VolumePaymentButtonView
❗When paymentIdentifiersProvider is provided then merchantPaymentId and reference fields values will be ignored and paymentIdentifiersProvider will be called each time user clicks on the Volume Button.
Implementing the after payment screen (Callback) in mobile app
Upon completion of the payment process, users are directed back from the banking app to your app using a callback via an app link or universal link.
Volume accepts only https
links, which means traditional deep links like myapp://callback are not supported.
Instead, we recommend using App Links and Universal Links, such as https://myDomain.com/callback (opens in a new tab), for their superior security, user experience, seamless integration, and web fallback capabilities.
About app links (opens in a new tab)
Create Deep Links to App Content (opens in a new tab)
Supporting universal links in your iOS app (opens in a new tab)
Supporting associated domains on iOS (opens in a new tab)
Flutter app links library (opens in a new tab)
Universal links on Flutter (opens in a new tab)
React Native:
React Native linking documentation (opens in a new tab)
React Native app links tutorial (opens in a new tab)
Documentation for the Volume Callback parameters: Callback
After you have completed the steps above, then you can start testing.
We strongly recommend to use sandbox environment before switching to live environment.
Please note that sandbox testing will not open the Banking app due to lack of testing environment offered by the different banks in the UK. However, a successful test will open the bank environment via the browser. The user experience will differ bank by bank. Ask us more information at support@getvolume.com or use the chat in this page to get immediate assistance.
Please check Sandbox Banks Credentials to be able to test with Natwest Sandbox and other sandbox banks.